PRESS RELEASE The Guyana Business Journal and Caribbean Policy Consortium recently hosted a thought-provoking webinar titled “Powering the Future: Guyana’s Energy Landscape and the Gas-to-Energy (GtE) Project.” The event gathered experts: Anthony Bryan, Milton Chaves, David Goldwyn, and Ulric Trotz– from academia, industry, and policy circles to discuss Guyana’s emerging role as a regional leader in energy […]
Tag: Energy
Transforming Guyana, Season II, Episode III: Environmental Stewardship in the Emerging Guyanese Oil and Gas Economy
Moderators Terrence Blackman Founder, Guyana Business Journal David Lewis Vice President, Manchester Trade Ltd Inc. & Co-chair, Caribbean Policy Consortium Speakers Ulric Trotz Science Adviser, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Belize Sydney Allicock Former Vice President & MInister of Indigenous People’s Affairs Lorraine Sobers Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, UWI
Transforming Guyana, Episode XII: Digitization and the emerging Guyanese Oil and Gas Economy
Media Advisory: The Guyana Business Journal (GBJ) & Caribbean Policy Consortium host Episode XII of the Webinar Series, Transforming Guyana, Episode XII: Digitization and the emerging Guyanese Oil and Gas Economy Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Panelists: Lance Hinds, Chief Executive, BrainStreet Group & Director, DreamSpace Foundation, Eldon Marks, Tech Entrepreneur & Innovator, Mike Singh, Chair, Guyana ICT Tech & Innovation Council, Multidimensional […]
Is There a Roadmap for Regional Energy Cooperation and Energy Transition for the Southern Caribbean Energy Matrix?
You can access the presentation by Prof Norman Munroe below Full webinar is available on YouTube. Click below for access
Transforming Guyana Episode X: “Unlocking the Potential of Guyana’s Oil and Gas Economy
Unlocking the Potential of Guyana’s Oil and Gas Economy: Balancing Energy Development and Environmental Stewardship Media Advisory Please see the white paper here: Intersection of Energy_Environment in Guyana_Dr_Ulric_Trotz Executive Summary: In 2015, significant oil and gas reserves were discovered in Guyana, transforming the country into a major fossil fuel producer. Before this discovery, Guyana, like other vulnerable […]
DATE: July 21, 2022 The presentation, by Rystad’s Head of Latin America, Schreiner Parker, explores recent developments in Guyana’s oil and gas industry. Parker reports on what has been done so far in governance and identifies what still needs to be implemented to maximize Guyana’s benefits. The report examines how Guyana’s oil and gas industry can […]
Gas to Power & Implications for Economic Diversification in Guyana
In this webinar we discuss the implications for Guyana’s economic development of the proposed gas to shore project which aims to increase peak generation capacity to 400 megawatts as compared to last year’s peak of 135 megawatts.
A Region in Transition: Building a Post-Pandemic Economy in the Caribbean
Join Global Americans and the Caribbean Policy Consortium, with support from the U.S. Embassy in Suriname, for a virtual event on social and economic development in the Caribbean. Panelists will discuss the role of oil and gas in the economies of the Southern Caribbean, the emerging threat of climate change, and how civil society, the […]
Strategic Considerations For Local Content Requirements in Guyana
It is urgent that the government address and remedy the shortcomings of its LCP.
The Southern Caribbean Energy Matrix and the Consequences of the Regional Push for Renewable Energy
In trying to achieve cooperation in energy security and complete the transition from dependence on fossil fuels, there are game changing financial opportunities for the Southern Caribbean and Northern South America.