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Tag: Bruce Zagaris
Taking the Profit out of Illicit Trafficking of Firearms in Latin-America and the Caribbean
This webinar is a collaboration between The Institute of International Relations, the Caribbean Policy Consortium in Collaboration and the American Bar Association (BAR), Criminal Justice Section
The Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Firearms in Latin America and the Caribbean
This webinar will discuss efforts to combat illicit trafficking of firearms in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacture of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials
Geopolitical Competition and Cooperation in the Caribbean in the Age of COVID-19
With a special emphasis on the English-Speaking Caribbean, the LACC/CPC Caribbean Policy Series includes three webinars with experts from the Greater Caribbean region, moderated by FIU faculty and CPC members, and a series of policy-oriented papers addressing economic, political, and strategic matters in the region that will be published electronically by LACC. The LACC/CPC Caribbean […]