JAN YVES REMY publications
- “Dispute Settlement at the WTO: How Did We Get Here and What’s Next for Commonwealth States?” Trade Hot Topics (Commonwealth Secretariat): (Issue 166/September 2020): Available at: https://thecommonwealth.org/sites/default/files/inline/THT_166_UPDF.pdf
- “Our Trade Vulnerability Index Explained: Why, What, How and What’s Next” Co-authored with Jason Cotton (CDB) (August 2020). Available at: https://www.afronomicslaw.org/2020/08/19/our-trade-vulnerability-index-explained-why-what-how-and-whats-next/
- “COVID-19 Makes the Case for Our Trade Vulnerability Index” (May 2020). (co-authored with Cotton, J. Jason, and Alicia Nicholls (Available at Afronomics Law Blog: https://www.afronomicslaw.org/2020/05/10/covid-19-makes-the-case-for-our-trade-vulnerability-index/)
- “The Belt and Road Initiative and the Caribbean-China Investment Policy Framework” in Caribbean Perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative (UWI-GLOBAL Belt and Road Research Bulletin, January 2020) (Co-authored with Alicia Nicholls)
- “Closing the Gender Divide Through Trade Rules” (October 2019), CIGI Publication
- “Mainstreaming Gender in Trade Agreements (October 2018), CIGI Publication
- SRC Working Papers/Policy Documents (available at: https://shridathramphalcentre.com/src-research-papers/ ):
- Postscript to “Trading Our Way to Recovery During COVID-19”: My Thoughts on how CARICOM can implement our recommendations (November 2020)
- Trading Without Borders: Celebrating the Association of Caribbean States and Unlocking its Full Potential (November 2020) (co-authored with Chelcee Brathwaite)
- SRC Policy Document: Trading our way to Recovery During COVID-19: Recommendations for CARICOM Countries (October 2020) (co-authored with Chelcee Brathwaite and Alicia Nicholls)
- SRC Policy Brief: Diagnostic Review of E-commerce Related Policies Initiatives and Legislation Across CARICOM (June 2020) (co-authored with Chelcee Brathwaite)
- Using A Trade Vulnerability Index to Determine Eligibility for Developing-Country Status at The WTO (September 2019) (co-authored with Jason Cotton and Alicia Nicholls)
- SRC Trading Thoughts (available here: https://shridathramphalcentre.com/category/src-trading/), including:
- The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and CARICOM: https://shridathramphalcentre.com/the-eus-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism-and-caricom/
- Should CARICOM Countries support a WTO TRIPS Waiver to Access the COVID-19 Vaccine? (co-authored with Mustaqeem De Gama) December 2020 (https://shridathramphalcentre.com/should-caricom-countries-support-a-wto-trips-waiver-to-access-the-covid-19-vaccine/ )
- A WTO Trade Response for CARICOM to Counter EU Blacklisting (co-authored with Alicia Nicholls) December 2020 (https://shridathramphalcentre.com/a-wto-trade-response-for-caricom-to-counter-eu-blacklisting/ )
- “Unlocking the Full Potential of the Association of Caribbean States” (November 2020) Co-authored with Chelcee Brathwaite
- “Lessons from the Appellate Body’s Parting Shot in the WTO Tobacco Plain Packaging Dispute”, June 2020 (https://shridathramphalcentre.com/lessons-from-the-appellate-bodys-parting-shot-in-the-wto-tobacco-plain-packaging-dispute/ )
- “Heeding Prime Minister Mottley’s Clarion Call for a Vulnerability Index”. SRC Trading Thoughts Column. Co-authored with J. Jason Cotton (CDB) and Alicia Nicholls. May 2020. https://shridathramphalcentre.com/heeding-prime-minister-mottleys-clarion-call-for-a-vulnerability-index/.
- “What the new Appeal-Arbitration System Might Mean for the Future of WTO Dispute Settlement” April 2020 (https://shridathramphalcentre.com/cure-or-curse-the-new-appeal-arbitration-system-in-wto-dispute-settlement/ )
- “What COVID-19 Teaches About Caribbean Vulnerability and Resilience”. Co-authored with Alicia Nicholls and Chelcee Brathwaite. (April 2020) https://shridathramphalcentre.com/what-covid-19-teaches-about-caribbean-vulnerability-and-resilience/.
- “CCJ Advisory Opinion Endorses Differentiated Approach to Free Movement in CARICOM”. SRC Trading Thoughts Column. Co-authored with Alicia Nicholls (March 2020). https://shridathramphalcentre.com/ccj-advisory-opinion-endorses-differentiated-approach-to-free-movement-in-caricom/.
- “Opting Out” of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas? The Significance of the CCJ’s Pending Advisory Opinion”. co-authored with Alicia Nicholls (November 2019) https://shridathramphalcentre.com/opting-out-of-the-revised-treaty-of-chaguaramas-the-significance-of-the-ccjs-pending-advisory-opinion/.
- “Why the WTO Appellate Body Crisis Matters to the Caribbean” (Nov 2019) (co-authored with Alicia Nicholls: https://shridathramphalcentre.com/why-the-wto-appellate-body-crisis-matters-to-the-caribbean/
- “Cement saga confirms importance of CCJ to CARICOM” co-authored with Alicia Nicholls (September 2019)