Renewed American Focus Can Bring Regional Tourism Dividends, Bahamas Tribune, Aug. 22, 2016
The G7 agreement on a global minimum tax will further squeeze the Caribbean, TheGlobalAmericans June 22, 2021.
Legal aspects of helping Suriname achieve better anti-corruption and governance, TheGlobalAmericans September 2, 2020
Authored two chapters in the ebook Good Governance in the Caribbean: Obstacles and Opportunities https://theglobalamericans.org/good-governance-in-the-caribbean-obstacles-and-opportunities.
Potential Services Cooperation Between Barbados And Brazil, which appears in BUSINESSBARBADOS, Feb. 17, 2010 (discussing potential cooperation in tourism and culture), found at: http://www.businessbarbados.com/index.php?RootSection=34&Section=49&PostID=1062&News=1&TrackID=$TrackID.
Podcast, Understanding the Global Minimum Corporate Tax, in GlobalTradeLaw, July 12, 2021 https://youtu.be/i8ZUeLLzSm0
Changes in international regulatory regimes on Caribbean corporate, financial, regulatory and transparency law, OFFSHORE INVESTMENT (Part I, Jan. 2016) and Part II (Feb. 2016) (see attached PDFs).
IMF Report on Loss of Caribbean Correspondent Bank Relationships Shows Lack of Level Playing Field, Tax Notes International, Nov. 13, 2017.
Tourism: The Orphan of Caribbean Policy, Journal of Travel Research 24 (Winter 1988) (co-author with Louis Emory
Whirlpool in the Caribbean Community: the Services Sector in 1993 and Beyond, 6 Caribbean Affairs 84-96 (Apr.-June 1993