Lisa Vasciannie
Lisa Vasciannie is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West Indies, Mona and Associate Dean of Partnerships and Resource Mobilization in the Faculty of Social Sciences. She has written a number of articles on election observation in the Caribbean and the Americas. She is author of the book, International Election Observation in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Race, Aid and Democratization and co-author of Jamaica’s Foreign Policy : 1962-2022. Lisa has observed elections in Tanzania, the Maldives and Honduras and has taught several courses in International Relations. Her research includes issues of foreign policy, human rights, intergovernmentalism, democracy and politics in the Caribbean and Americas.
Lisa holds a PhD in Government from the University of the West Indies, Mona.
Select Publications
Vasciannie, Stephen and Lisa Vasciannie Jamaica’s Foreign Policy: 1962-2022, (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
Vasciannie, Lisa Ann International Election Observation in the Commonwealth Caribbean:
Race, Aid and Democratization (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
Amazon Author Page:
Overseas Voting: The Case of Jamaica
Observing Caribbean Elections During the Pandemic: Challenges and Best Practices
“Jamaica and Covid-19: issues of law and policy in the first year” The Round Table, 2021
“The Organization of American States: Evolution of Election Observation in the Inter-American System 1962 – 2017”